
As #11 of 12 children, I grew up surrounded by LOTS of people – family, friends, and many newcomers who were about to become friends! It seems we were always setting a table or two (sometimes 3) for large groups of people which is why I am certain I caught the entertaining bug at an early age. Now that I’m all grown up with a family of my own, I love to continue some of the traditions I grew up with, but I also enjoy new ideas and concepts for parties and entertaining in my home. This blog is meant to share my love of parties and people – I hope you will find it inspiring. As expressed so well by J.R. Tokien, I also believe that “if more of us valued food and cheer above hoarded gold – it would be a merrier world.”

In addition to planning parties, my passions also include teaching, writing and playing the piano (I think shopping may belong in there too!). I work as as an English teacher at a private school in Victoria, B.C. and enjoy writing fiction for young adults and children. Rarely a day goes by when I’m not thinking about or planning an upcoming party, hence my mantra “Any Excuse for a Party!”

More recently, I have started writing a column for At Home Magazine called “Entertain with Dorothy”. Please check it out at http://www.athomevictoria.com/read-online/