Where have I been you ask?

I realized with surprise today that I have been MIA for about 11 months! Where have I been you ask? Closing one chapter and beginning a new one. During this past year, I came to an important life decision and that was to retire from my position as an English teacher at St. Michael’s University School, a private school in Victoria, B.C. I loved my 27 year career there but now feel that I want to devote more time to writing, blogging, travelling, volunteering with B.C. Children’s Hospital and other organizations, and looking for other new challenges and adventures. I am hoping that means I’ll get back to more regular posts, sharing my ideas and inspirations for home entertaining, decorating, baking, socializing, etc. Stay tuned!

Dorothy - Board of Gov

My final graduation ceremony reminded how much I have been shaped by my career as a teacher. It has afforded me a wealth of experiences and interactions with so many wonderful young people over the years. I have learned so much from them and have also been fortunate to have helped shape the minds and lives of these amazing students who will go on to do great things. Thanks for the memories! Vivat!

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